Members enjoyed a good meal and participated enthusiatically thoroughout the event.
Let's brush up on the luncheon togother..
The story started from the registration counter.
Members reached one after the other. The attendance seemed not bad!!
You don't believe that the attendance was good?! Okay, let's peep inside the room and find out the wonderful turnout!
See! I never cheat.. members were sharing while waiting for the event to start.
This is our president, Kenny, he was giving the welcome speech.
Vice president, King, was introducing the Board of Directors.
Next is our dear advisor, Ms Sumathi, her facial expression was so rich while on the stage.
First game: Mummy Man.
Do you still remember your amusing masterpieces? (forget) Never mind, we bring you there.
Second Game: Balloon Game.
The most exciting and craziest game.
Again, it's war...
Raffia String Game.
There was a hung net. In the circumstance of absence of any tool, to pass through it, member had to help one another. How they help? Let's scroll down and find out..
What about luncheon's dishes? A typical Malaysian food was served.
Last but not least, Mr. Stephen Wu presented to give a speech about the importance of establishment of entrepreneur ial characteristic in one's personality.
Releasing of some goup photos..
Ultimately, the BOD is deeply grateful to all committee members for dedicating their time to help in the event and to new members for participating enthusiatically.
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